She is the matron of the gardens! Ventrue, round and warm, she embodies Provence. Molded by hand in our factory in Aubagne in Provence with french terracotta, it is an essential element by a pool, in an alcove or on a terrace. Formerly used as food container, today its is the perfect receptacle for falling or climbing flowering plants. It is advisable, when choosing a jar higher than 50 cm, to also buy an inner pot that will be placed on the collar. This "jar inside" will have the advantage of reducing the amount of soil to bring, and to easily put your plant in a shelter for the winter. • For jars of 60cm (JAR P60) use inside of jar of 25cm (INT J25). • For jars 70 and 80cm (JAR P70 and JAR P80) use inside of jar of 35cm (INT 35).
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