Once you have placed your order, we process it as quickly as possible.
Our standard delivery terms apply within France. For deliveries outside France (Corsica, overseas France, international), terms will be agreed between the customer and Poterie Ravel.
Information provided by the customer when the order is placed is binding. In case of customer error when stating the delivery address, Poterie Ravel cannot be held responsible for being unable to deliver the order within the time indicated. Products will be delivered to the address provided by the customer, subject to accessibility. If the address is not accessible to the delivery vehicle, the customer will be charged for a second delivery. Products, packaged on a palette / on palettes, will be delivered to the roadside at the address (not at the door of houses set back from the road; at the foot of the building for apartments). Due to their size and weight, we recommend that you arrange help with unpacking your order. Delivery personnel cannot unpack or install products. For specific delivery needs (upper floors, mountainous region, restricted access, pedestrian street, crane access, etc.), additional delivery charges will apply. Specific delivery times cannot be given. Pots are wrapped on palettes for transportation.
Delivery is deemed to have been carried out once the product has been handed over to the delivery company. The delivery note given by the driver to the customer, who will date and sign it, represents proof of transport and delivery.
On delivery, the customer should check the contents and their condition, and that they conform to the order placed. In case of delay, damage, total or partial loss, or any other problem, the customer should address their concerns to the delivery company. Poterie Ravel cannot be held responsible. Poterie Ravel therefore urges customers to check the condition of products delivered before signing for their receipt.
If the customer notes a problem, they should refuse delivery or provide a specific written note, signed and dated. This note should be confirmed in writing to the delivery company by recorded delivery within three (3) working days of delivery. A copy will be forwarded to Poterie Ravel.
Deliveries take place Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays (no deliveries at the weekend).